Comments: This map is designed to be used as a reference for the purpose of identifying lands subject to the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation's authority to regulate improvements on the ocean shore. The ocean shore is defined in ORS 390.605 as being the land lying between extreme low tide of the Pacific Ocean and the statutory vegetation line as described by ORS 390.770 or the line of established upland shore vegetation, whichever is farther inland. ORS 390.770 describes the statutory vegetation line as a series of connected line segments described using coordinates. Established upland vegetation is approxmiately shown as a linear feature and was digitized from 2012 NAIP orthophotography at 1:3000.
Subject: This map is designed to be used as a reference for the purpose of identifying lands subject to the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation's authority to regulate improvements on the ocean shore. The ocean shore is defined in ORS 390.605 as being t
Keywords: Oregon, ocean, coast, coastal, shore, vegetation, beach
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